I help you explain what makes your membership irresistible in a way that no one else can.

Your work is one-of-a-kind. Why should it fit inside another uninspired template or cookie-cutter formula?

Let’s think (and launch) outside the online business box together.

That’s my pitch. Here’s my story:

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“I’m boring.”

I folded up the little square of paper almost as fast as I could write the words.

My biggest fear, my loudest insecurity, was about to be on display in front of a room of 500 strangers.

We’d been asked to write down the thing we worried about most: what other people said about us when we weren’t in the room.

I held onto my “I’m boring” label for years. I was the quiet, studious kid in school who was slow to speak and quick to listen — and I often felt like I got lost in the noise.

Little did I know... there’s more than one way to work a room.

While others rushed their way through the world, I saw things they couldn’t see:

  • Surprising connections that make for bold, compelling ideas.

  • Details that elevate work to a new level of excellence.

  • Untapped opportunities that others miss (and regret it).

I realized I had a gift for helping other people see what makes them exceptional in ways that others didn’t, because I noticed things they couldn’t. 

I began to build a name for myself as someone who paid attention. And when it comes to launching, your hidden edge is being able to notice what others in your space can’t see yet.

I help you notice and articulate something no one else can replicatebecause nobody sees the world like you do.

Problem is, most sales strategies are commonplace at best (and insulting to your audience at worst).

Copy templates and scripts that all say the same thing in a different color scheme undermine what makes you one of a kind. And your audience deserves better than a half-baked email sequence that reminds them what a deal they’re getting. 

Let’s give them something unexpected instead. 

It’s time to communicate in a way that —

  • Lifts up your audience and re-ignites their excitement for what’s possible. 

  • Brings together your ideas and expertise in a way that’s never been done before.

  • Showcases the brilliance of your offer so clearly that you don’t just become the obvious choice — but the only choice.

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You need someone who:

Can keep up with you

I don’t dabble in launching & sales. I specialize in it. I’ve written the copy behind dozens of launches that generate up to 4 million dollars in a single promotion. If you’re ready to go big, I’m right there with you (and I’ve got the ideas to help you make it happen).


Knows what’s at stake

Larger-scale promotions are complex and require the complete focus of everyone involved. You can’t afford to work with someone who can’t see all the moving pieces without losing sight of the vision. I’ll work closely alongside you and your team to execute your launch with finesse.


Talks like you, but better

The biggest fear people have before they hire me is whether what I write will sound like them. After our first project, you’ll never worry about this again. I don’t just write for you — I write from you — and you’ll be surprised by just how good you sound.

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“There is nobody who thinks about launching in the way Natalie does. Her mix of creativity and strategy put us completely at ease. Natalie has a gift in being able to communicate the essence of who you are while elevating it to an entirely new level.”

— Stephanie Hayes

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Now you know what I believe, here’s what I confess…

If I had “Jeff Bezos” money…

I would still be writing, strategizing and cooking up big ideas—except it would be a comedy-horror fiction series set on the east coast of Australia (where I work and live).

To being an appallingly bad dancer… 

Bad enough to be escorted off the stage of a Wiggles concert at age 5 (as you can imagine, the bar was already pretty low).

I used to be a dog person... 

Until we got a puppy. We love her now (really!), but she was definitely on notice for the first 6 months. Team cats for life. 🐱

 Famous last words?

Delivering and selling your membership can feel spacious, energizing, and fun as hell. You deserve a message that sounds like you on your best, most inspired day — not the version of you who’s pumping out sales emails while juggling questions from your team the night before open cart.

Let’s try a different approach to growth. I promise you’ll never look back.

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“I was really impressed with the new spin on messaging and the testimonials Natalie developed for me. Open rates were higher than past launches and we grew sales by 38% over the last launch.

It was so different working with Natalie because she took the time to get to know my offer inside and out, so she could talk about it in a way I couldn’t. She is organized, committed, fun… and she challenged me! I feel really good about the marketing assets I have to move forward with for future launches.

— Corey Willis